2. Characteristics
The MX-80 Type II and MX-80 F/T Type II have been designed as a printer with
versatile functions to meet a wide range of applications from small business to
home uses and even for hobbies. The following is a brief summary of their major
(1) Both text printing for general data processing and Bit Image printing for
graphic data processing are freely available.
In the Bit Image printing, both normal density (480 dots/line in horizontal
direction) and dual density (960 dots/line in horizontal direction) modes are
selectable under software control.
(2) Wide variation of printing width and character size
(a) 40 characters/line (enlarged character)
(b) 66 characters/line (enlarged-condensed character)
(c) 80 characters/line (normal character)
(d) 132 characters/line (condensed character)
(e) Programmable column length
(3) Versatile functions to meet various business applications
(a) Top of Form - page length setting in line or inch units is possible, with
initial setting to 11 or 12 inches.
(b) Skip-over perforation - automatic skip-over function selectable by DIP
switch setting or variable by software.
(c) Programmable line spacing.
(d) Vertical tabulation and horizontal tabulation
(e) Buzzer, printer select/deselect function.
(4) High throughput by bidirectional printing with logic seeking capability.
(5) Easy-to-replace “throwaway” print head. The print head has a life expectancy
of approx. 100 x 10
8 international character sets are selectable by DIP switch setting or software.
(7) Complete with standard equipment including paper end detector, custom
cartridge ribbon, etc.