Updating of display
When a program is loaded and executed (g, gr, s, n, or rst command), or the memory contents are
changed (a (as), pe, pf, or pm command), the display contents are updated. In this case the [Source]
window updates its display contents so that the current PC address can always be displayed. The
display contents are also updated when the display mode is changed.
(2) Current PC
The current PC (program counter) address line is indicated by an arrow mark at the beginning of the
line. (Address 0x0110 in the diagram)
(3) PC breakpoint
The address line where a breakpoint is set is indicated by a red ● mark at the beginning of the line.
(Address 0x0117 in the diagram)
(4) Trace trigger point
The address line where a trace trigger point is set is indicated by the letter "T" at the beginning of the
line. (Address 0x0115 in the diagram)
(5) Break setting at the cursor position
Place the cursor at an address line where a breakpoint is to be set (not available for a source-only line).
[Break] button
[Go to Cursor] button
Then click on the [Break] button. A PC breakpoint will be set at that address. If
the same is done at the address line where a PC breakpoint has been set, the
breakpoint will be cleared.
If the [Go to Cursor] button is clicked, the program will execute beginning
with the current PC position, and program execution breaks at the line where
the cursor is located.
(6) Finding labels and words
Any labels and words can be found using the [Search Label] pull-down list box or the [Find] button
on the [Source] window.
[Search Label] pull-down list box
[Find] button