8.9.9 Break
bp (break point set)
This command sets or clears breakpoints using a program's execution address.
(1) >bp <break1> [<break2> [ ... <break16>]]↵ (direct input mode)
(2) >bp↵ (guidance mode)
PC break set status
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ... ? <1 | 2 | 3>↵
.......... (guidance depends on the above selection, see examples)
<break1–16>: Break address; hexadecimal or symbol (IEEE-695 format only)
Condition: 0 ≤ address ≤ last program memory address
Format (1)
>bp 116 200↵ ... Sets break points at addresses 0x0116 and 0x0200.
* The direct input mode cannot clear the set break points.
Format (2)
>bp↵ (Set)
No PC break is set.
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ...? 1↵ ... "1. set" is selected.
Set break address ? : 116↵ ... Address 0x0116 is set as a breakpoint.
Set break address ? : 200↵ ... Address 0x0200 is set as a breakpoint.
Set break address ? : ↵ ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
>bp↵ (Clear)
1: 0116
2: 0200
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ...? 2↵ ... "2. clear" is selected.
Clear break address ? : 200↵ ... Break address 0x0200 is cleared.
Clear break address ? : ↵ ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
>bp↵ (Clear all)
1: 0116
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ...? 3↵ ... "3. clear all" is selected.
No PC break is set.
1. set 2. clear 3. clear all ...? ↵ ... Terminated by [Enter] key.
• The addresses must be specified within the range of the program memory area available for each
microcomputer model.
An error results if the input one is not a hexadecimal number or a valid symbol.
Error : invalid value (no such symbol / symbol type error)
An error results if the limit is exceeded.
Error : Address out of range, use 0-0xXXXX
• An error results if you attempt to clear an address that has not been set.
Error : Input address does not exist
• For direct input mode, an error results if you attempt to set breakpoints at more than 16 locations at a
time. But for guidance mode, there is no such limitation, so you can specify more than 16 breakpoints
before terminating the command by the [Enter] key.
•You can use this command for multiple times to set new breakpoints.