
Assembler as63 (2)
Development Tools
Error Messages
Address out of range The specified address is out of range.
Cannot open <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The specified file cannot be opened.
Cannot read <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The specified file cannot be read.
Cannot write <file kind> file <FILE NAME> Data cannot be written to the file.
Directory path length limit The path name length has exceeded the limit.
<directory path length limit> exceeded
Division by zero The divisor in the expression is 0.
File name length limit <file name length limit> The file name length has exceeded the limit.
Illegal macro label <label> The internal branch label in macro definition is incorrect.
Illegal macro parameter <parameter> The macro parameter is illegal.
Illegal syntax The statement has a syntax error.
Line length limit <line length limit> exceeded The number of characters in one line has exceeded the limit.
Macro parameter range The number of macro parameters has exceeded the limit.
<macro parameter range> exceeded
Memory mapping conflict The address is already used.
Multiple statements on the same line Two or more statements were described on one line.
Nesting level limit <nesting level limit> exceeded
Nesting of #include has exceeded the limit.
Number of macro labels limit The number of internal branch labels has exceeded the limit.
<number of macro label limit> exceeded
Out of memory Cannot secure memory space.
Second definition of label <label> The label is already defined.
Second definition of symbol <symbol> The symbol is already defined.
Symbol name length limit The symbol name length has exceeded the limit.
<symbol name length limit> exceeded
Token length limit <token length limit> exceeded
The token length has exceeded the limit.
Unexpected character <name> An invalid character has been used.
Unknown label <label> Reference was made to an undefined label.
Unknown mnemonic <name> A nonexistent instruction was used.
Unknown register <name> A nonexistent register name was used.
Unknown symbol <name> A reference to an undefined symbol was made.
Unknown symbol mask <name> The symbol mask has a description error.
Unsupported directive <directive> A nonexistent pseudo-instruction was used.
Warning Message
Expression out of range The result of the expression is out of the effective range.
Invalid symbol mask The symbol mask is not defined correctly.
Second definition of define symbol <symbol> The symbol is already defined.
Section activation expected, use <.code/.bss>
There is no section definition.
( ) Parenthesis 1
+ Plus sign 2
- Minus sign 2
~ Negation 2
^H Acquires 8 high-order bits 3
^L Acquires 8 low-order bits 3
* Multiplication 4
/ Division 4
% (%%) Residue 4
+ Addition 5
- Subtraction 5
<< Shifting to left 6
>> Shifting to right 6
== Equal (relational operator) 7
!= Not equal (relational operator) 7
< Less than (relational operator) 7
<= Less than or equal (relational operator) 7
> Greater than (relational operator) 7
>= Greater than or equal (relational operator) 7
& Bit AND 8
^ Bit XOR 9
| Bit OR 10
&& AND (relational operator) 11
|| OR (relational operator) 12
Numbers and symbols can be used as terms in expressions.
The expression is calculated as a signed 16-bit data.
Do not put any space or TAB between operator and number.