
Debugger db63 (5)
Development Tools
Debugger Messages
Command errors
Cannot load program/ROM data, Failed to load program/ROM data; some file other
check ABS file than IEEE-695 executable format was specified.
Cannot open file The file cannot be opened.
Data out of range, use 0–0xF The specified number is out of the data range.
Different chip type, cannot load this file A different ICE parameter is used in the file.
end address < start address The start address is larger than the end address.
error file type (extension should be CMD) The specified file extension is invalid.
FO address out of range, use 0–0xEF FO address is invalid.
illegal code The input code is not available.
illegal mnemonic The input mnemonic is invalid for S1C63000.
Incorrect number of parameters The parameter number is incorrect.
Incorrect option, use -f/-u/-i/-s/-c/-il/-cm An invalid mode setting option was specified.
Incorrect r/w option, use r/w/* An illegal R/W option was specified.
Incorrect register name, use A/B/X/Y/F An invalid register name was specified.
Incorrect register name, The specified register name is invalid.
use PC/A/B/X/Y/F/SP1/SP2/EXT/Q
Input address does not exist Attempt is made to clear a break address that has
not been set.
invalid command This is an invalid command.
invalid data pattern The input data pattern is invalid.
invalid file name The file name (extension) is invalid.
invalid value The input data, address or symbol is invalid.
Maximum nesting level(5) is exceeded, Nesting of the com/cmw command exceeds the limit.
cannot open file
MLA address out of range, use 0–0xFFF MLA address is invalid.
no such symbol There is no such symbol.
no symbol information No symbol information is available since the ".ABS"
file has not been loaded.
Number of passes out of range, use 0–4095
The specified pass count for sequential break is out
of range.
Number of steps out of range, use 0–65535
The specified step count is out of range.
SO address out of range, use 0–0x1FFF SO address is invalid.
SP1 address out of range, use 0–0x3FF The specified SP1 address is out of range.
SP2 address out of range, use 0–0xFF The specified SP2 address is out of range.
symbol type error
The specified symbol type (program/data) is incorrect.
Command warning
Break address already exists Attempt is made to set an already-set break address.
Identical break address input Input command contains identical address.
round down to multiple of 4 Watch data address is invalid.
User cancel Command is aborted by the user.
Verify error FPGA verify error.
ICE status
Break by PC break Break caused by PC breakpoint
Break by data break Break caused by data break condition
Break by register break Break caused by register break condition
Break by sequential break Break caused by sequential break condition
Key Break Break caused by pressing [ESC] key or [Key break] button
Break by accessing no map Break caused by accessing undefined program-memory area
program area
Break by accessing no map Break caused by accessing undefined data-memory area
data area
Break by accessing ROM area Break caused by writing to data ROM area
Out of SP1 area Break caused by accessing outside SP1 stack area
Out of SP2 area Break caused by accessing outside SP2 stack area
Break by external break Break caused by signal input to ICE BRKIN pin
ICE errors
communication error Communication error other than time-out
(overrun, framing, or BCC error)
CPU is running Target is running.
ICE is busy ICE is busy processing a job.
ICE is free run mode ICE is operating in free-run mode.
ICE is maintenance mode ICE is placed in maintenance mode.
no map area, XXXX No-map area is specified for accessing.
not defined ID, XXXX ICE respond ID is invalid.
on tracing System is tracing execution data.
reset time out CPU cannot be reset (for more than 1 second).
target down Peripheral Circuit Board does not operate correctly
or remains reset.
Time Out! Communication time-out
Flash memory errors
flash memory error, XXXX Writing or erasing flash memory has failed at XXXX.
flash ROM is protected Flash memory is protected against access.
format error Flash memory is not mapped.
Map information is not the same Map information loaded from parameter file does not match
that in the parameter file.
verify error, XXXX Verify error has occurred when data was written to flash
Command errors
Address out of range, use 0–0xXXXX
The specified program memory address is out of range.
Address out of range, use 0–0xFFFF The specified data memory address is out of range.