Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
Defining generalizations
A generalization relationship between classes shows that the subclass shares
the structure or behavior defined in one or more superclasses. You use a
generalize to show a "is-a" relationship between classes.
You can create a generalization only from one class to another class, or from
one interface to another interface. You can also create a generalization
between a shortcut of a class to a class, or between a shortcut of a interface to
a interface. If the link is oriented, only the parent object can be the shortcut.
You can create only one generalization between two given objects.
Generalization properties
A generalization has the following properties:
Property Description
Name Name of the generalization 254
Code Reference name for the generalization 254
Comment Descriptive comment for the generalization —
Parent Class or interface to which the generalization belongs
Child Class or interface that belongs to the generalization 254
Stereotype Subclassification of a generalization derived from an
existing one. Extends the semantics of a
generalization without changing it's structure
Visibility Visibility of the generalization, whose value denotes
how it may be seen outside its enclosing name space
Virtual Used in generation (except for Java and