Chapter 2 Building an Object-Oriented Model
Conceptual data type What it stores
Date Day, month, year
Time Hour, minute, and second
Date & Time Date and time
Timestamp System date and time
Conceptual data type What it stores Length?
Binary Binary strings Maximum
Long Binary Binary strings Maximum
Image Images Maximum
Bitmap Images in bitmap format (BMP) Maximum
OLE OLE links Maximum
Other User-defined data type —
Undefined Not yet defined data type —
v To select a data type from a list of standard data types:
1 Select Model➤Domains.
The List of Domains appears.
2 Click the domain to define.
An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
3 Click the Properties tool.
Double-click the arrow at the beginning of the line.
The domain property sheet appears.
4 Click the Question Mark button next to the Data Type dropdown listbox.
Selecting from the Data Type dropdown listbox
You can also select a data type directly from the Data Type dropdown
Time data types
Other data types