Generating OOM objects to a PDM
Generating OOM objects to a PDM
When you generate a Physical Data Model (PDM) from an Object-Oriented
Model (OOM), PowerDesigner translates OOM objects and data types to
PDM objects and data types supported by the current DBMS.
The current object language of an OOM has no effect on the generation to a
Translating OOM objects into PDM objects
PDM generation translates OOM objects into physical objects.
OOM object PDM object after generation
Domain Domain
Class Table (only if the Persistent and Generate checkboxes are
selected in the class property sheet). The cardinality of a class
becomes the number of records of a table
Interface Not translated
Attribute Column
Identifier Identifier
Operation Stored-Procedure
Association Reference or table
Dependency Not translated
Realization Not translated
Generalization Reference
For a class to become an table the Persistent and Generate checkboxes must
be selected in the property sheet of the class.
The cardinality of a class becomes the number of records of a table.
If the association has a many-to-many cardinality, that is, where both roles of
the association have the * sign selected in their multiplicity dropdown
listboxes, then the association is translated into a table in the generated PDM.
If it has any other cardinality, that is, where one of the roles of the association
does not have an * selected in its multiplicity dropdown listbox, then the
association becomes a reference.
A role name becomes a migrated foreign key after PDM generation.
Generating from
Generating from