Defining identifiers
Opening property sheets at last accessed page
Property sheets open to the General page by default. However, you
can choose to open property sheets at the last page accessed by
selecting Tools➤Options➤Dialog, and selecting the option Keep
Last Tab in the Property Sheets groupbox.
2 Type or select identifier properties as required.
3 Click OK.
Modifying identifier properties from the list of identifiers
The list of identifiers includes all identifiers attached to the current model.
You can modify the identifier properties from the list.
v To modify identifier properties from the list of identifiers:
1 Select Model➤Identifiers.
The list of Identifiers appears.
2 Click the identifier that you want to modify.
An arrow appears at the beginning of the line.
3 Modify any of the properties of the identifier directly in the list.
4 Click OK.