Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0 Error documenting IQ PATH
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX 23
• Specify a different pathname (for example, /iqfiles/main/iq and
/iqfiles/temp/iq or different raw partitions
• Omit
TEMPORARY PATH when you create the database. In this case, the
temporary store is created in the same path as the Catalog Store, with the
default name and extension dbname.iqtmp where dbname is the database
Warning! On UNIX platforms, you must be careful not to specify filenames
that are links to the same file. IQ cannot detect where linked files point to. If
the filenames in the command differ but they point to the same file, your
database will be corrupted.
In Sybase Central, the Create Database utility fails if you do not provide
extensions for file names. The Introduction to Adaptive Server IQ fails to
mention this and also does not mention that file extensions are needed when
operating system files are used.
9.2.7 Error documenting IQ PATH
In Chapter 3 of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, the example shown in the section titled “Specifying an IQ PATH”
should be corrected. The example shows where Adaptive Server IQ puts the
message and log files when you do not specify the Temporary and Message
PATHS. It should read:
The Temporary Store is in
The IQ message log file is in /disk1/iqdata/company.iqmsg
9.2.8 Error in raw partition limit
The Adaptive Server IQ Reference contains an error in the CREATE
statement description of the IQ PATH clause. The statement that
raw partitions cannot be larger than 2GB is incorrect. The current limit is
128GB per file or dbspace, with a limit of 2047 dbspaces.
9.2.9 Error on CREATE DBSPACE
The CREATE DBSPACE command may occasionally return the following
1999-02-05 16:09:45 0002 [20152]:
You have run out of IQ STORE dbspace