9.7.1 Adaptive Server IQ plug-in help reflects Multiplex support
Adaptive Server IQ Multiplex 12.4.0 is a separate product from Adaptive
Server IQ 12.4.0. If you have not purchased or installed Adaptive Server IQ
Multiplex, the functionality described in the online help topic Managing
Multiplexes is not available.
10. Technical Support
Each Sybase installation that has purchased a support contract has one or more
designated people who are authorized to contact Sybase Technical Support. If
you have any questions about this installation or if you need assistance during
the installation process, ask the designated person to contact Sybase Technical
Support or the Sybase subsidiary in your area.
Before you contact
Technical Support
Before contacting Technical Support, collect the following:
• operating system platform (For example, Sun Solaris 2.6 (SPARC))
• front end tool or connectivity protocol used (For example, Brio Query)
• configuration type (single user or multi-user)
• message log file
File named dbname.iqmsg in the directory, located by default where you
started the database server.
• stack trace file
File named stktrc.iq in the directory where you started the database server.
• command or query that produced the error
• query plan
Enter the following commands and then rerun the command that produced
the error
The plan will be in the message log file.
• startup option settings
• connect option settings
• database option settings
• schema and indexes for the database