Adaptive Server IQ 12.4.0 Recommended index types
Release Bulletin for Digital UNIX 25
9.2.12 Recommended index types
In the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance Guide, Chapter 4,
“Adaptive Server IQ Indexes,” in Table 1–2, Query type/index, the
recommended index types for
COUNT and range predicate are incorrect. The
correct types are:
Note While HNG is recommended, in certain cases LF or HG is faster, and is
often used in place of
HNG. HNG tends to give consistent performance, while
the performance of
LF or HG with ranges depends on the size of the range
9.2.13 Changes to “Using join indexes”
The section “Using join indexes” in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide, Chapter 4, “Adaptive Server IQ Indexes, has several
errors, described below.
Privileges needed to create a join index
The book states that you must be the owner of a table or the DBA to create,
alter, or synchronize a join index that includes that table.
If you are not the DBA, you need to be owner of the table and have
RESOURCE authority in order to create a join index.
One-to-many relationship
The following changes apply to the subsection “One-to-many relationship.”
The first sentence of the third paragraph should read, “If the join column is
made up of more than one column, the combination of the values must be
unique on the “one” side.
The example described in the third and fourth paragraphs is changed to match
the asiqdemo database, and include sample rows that were omitted. The
warning that follows these paragraphs is also changed. The corrected
paragraphs read as follows:
Type of Query Usage Recommended Index Type
COUNT argument LF or HG
In range predicate in WHERE clause (>,
<, >=, <=,