Set the name of the transaction log file (-t ) This option sets a filename,
including an optional directory path, for a new transaction log. If the database
is not currently using a transaction log, it starts using one. If the database is
already using a transaction log, it changes to using the new file as its
transaction log.
9.5.9 Error message for buffer cache settings
The following paragraph describes a change in behavior as of Version 12.4.0.
It should be added to the section “Do not exceed physical memory” in Chapter
12, Managing System Resources,” in the Adaptive Server IQ Administration
and Performance Guide.
If you set buffer cache sizes higher than your system will accommodate,
Adaptive Server IQ will not successfully open the database. The new cache
options for start up
-iqmc and -iqtc should now be used to open the database
and reset the defaults.
9.5.10 Setting Prefetch_Buffer_Limit option
The SET option PREFETCH_BUFFER_LIMIT defines the number of cache
pages available to Adaptive Server IQ for use in prefetching (the read ahead of
database pages). This option has a default value of 20, which can degrade
multi-user performance. Sybase recommends that you set this option to 0 for
multi-user applications. This option was omitted from Chapter 12, “Managing
System Resources,” of the Adaptive Server IQ Administration and
Performance Guide. For more information, see the Adaptive Server IQ
9.5.11 GRANT CONNECT for existing user ID
The following clarification should be added to Chapter 10, “Managing User
IDs and Permissions” in Adaptive Server IQ Administration and Performance
Guide, and to the
GRANT statement in Adaptive Server IQ Reference.
If you have DBA authority, you can change the password of any existing user
with the following command: