Select Date and Time to Start
You specify when the download task is to be executed here.
now Starts the download task as soon as it has been acti-
later Starts the download task at the specified time.
Select the date, hour, and minutes.
You specify how often the download task is to be executed here.
Once Execute download task once
Hourly Execute download task hourly
(This option is currently not available.)
Daily Execute download task daily
Weekly Execute download task weekly
Monthly Execute download task monthly
Journalize Log Data
Here, you specify whether log files are to be saved, and if so, how many.
Last Only save the last log files
You can specify the number of last log files.
None Do not save any log files
(This option is currently not available.)
All Save all log files
A summary of the values specified is displayed in this output field.
ServerView Update Management 169
5.3 Download Manager Main Window