
Column Meaning
Status Current job status
waiting The job is waiting to be executed (this
is the status before the data transfer
transferring The job is currently being transferred.
transferred The job has been successfully trans-
ferred and is now waiting for the start of
the update procedure.
flashing The job is currently in the update
flashed The update has been performed suc-
cessfully on the server.
rescanning The inventory of the server is being
rebooting The server is currently rebooting.
done All components have been updated and
the job is now completed.
error Possible reasons:
l The update of at least one com-
ponent failed.
l Check-Job was not successful
l Cleanup-Job was not successful
l Status could not be retrieved
Start Time Time when the flash of the updates is started
ServerView Update Management 73
5.1 Update Manager Main Window