7.1.8 Batch Files (Examples)
The following examples are based on Windows. If a Linux shell is used, the
Linux variable $? must be queried instead of the %errrorlevel% Windows
variables in order to test the return value of the CLI command, for example:
GFCLI -S -N <system name> -U <path name>
if [ $? = 0 ]; then ....
File 1
@echo off
rem ********************************************************
rem * cli-exa.bat ******************************************
rem ********************************************************
rem * Batch file to flash all components of PRIMERGY servers, supported
rem * GlobalFlash to their newest version.
rem * All servers have to be listed in a ServerList. The firmware must be
rem * available in local GlobalFlash FirmwareTree.
rem * Two other batch files are called:
rem * cli-init.bat: Check states and availibility of a server and execute
rem * StartFlash for the server
rem * cli-work.bat: Wait for completion of the flash for each server
rem * -------------------------
rem * Input-parameters:
rem * The actual directory has to contain 2 Control-files for this batch:
rem * 1.)ServerList-file "serverls.txt"
rem * Each line consists of 3 fields:Server,user,password
rem * If the line beginns with ";" in ServerList, the line will be
rem * 2.)File "fwpath.txt" with the absolut path of the FirmwareTree
rem * Output-parameters:
rem * 1.)File "oklist.txt" with the list of servers, which are updated
rem * out any errors or which are not flashed because they are actual
rem * 2.)Result-Files <servername>.txt for each server
rem *******************************************************
ServerView Update Management 245
7.1 GFCLI (Command-Line Interface)