--nopreun --nopostun (only for update installations)
If these options, which must always be specified together, are selected,
the uninstallation routines do not run when an update installation takes
place. Parameters already set in the update agent are retained.
Update Agent >= V5.01
You start the installation via the installation package SVUpdateAgent_Lx_
V<vers>.scexe, which you will find on the ServerView Suite DVD 1 under
SVSSoftware - Software - ServerView - Linux - GlobalFlash - Agents -
You can install the update agent at the command level using the following
sh SVUpdateAgent_Lx_V<vers>.scexe
Configuration of the Update Agent
When you have executed the command, the parameters are assigned default
values in the /opt/SMAW/SMAWgfa/cfg/LinuxFwuAgent.cfg file and you
can change these to suit your requirements.
Name of the primary user group which is entered in /etc/passwd for the
user. All users in this group are authorized to execute the update pro-
cedure (default GFUSER).
If it does not yet exist the GFUSER group with the user globalflash and
the password globalflash is automatically set up during installation.
This parameter is evaluated only when NoAccountCheck = 0.
n = 0 (password query enabled; default value)
n = 1 (password query disabled)
ServerView Update Management 49
4.1 Installation on the managed server