G500 Cockpit Reference Guide
190-01102-03 Rev B
To set the altitude for the Minimums Bug:
While viewing the Active Flight Plan page of the FPL Group, press the small 1)
MFD knob to activate the cursor.
Turn the large 2) MFD knob to the ALTITUDE portion of the MINIMUMS section.
Turn the small 3) MFD knob to enter the desired altitude. Press the ENT key to
confi rm selection.
When fi nished, press the small 4) MFD knob to exit the MINIMUMS box.
NOTE: If you highlight the Altitude Field in the MINIMUMS section on the
FPL page and press the CLR key, it will clear the entry and the minimums
functionality will be turned off.
Altitude Bug
The Altitude Bug is displayed on the Altitude Tape at the selected altitude bug
setting. A portion of the Altitude Bug will be displayed at the top or bottom of
the altitude tape if the selected altitude bug is off of the tape.
Altitude Bug
Altitude Bug
Altitude Bug
The Altitude Bug provides visual and aural altitude alerting. Aural alerting
occurs within 200 feet of the Altitude Bug setting or when deviating beyond 200
feet of the bug.
Within 1000 ft
Within 200 ft
Deviation of
+/- 200ft
Altitude Bug Indications