
46 GPSMAP 3205 Owner’s Manual
MaIn Menu > celestIal tab
To select a Current Station from a map location:
1. Highlight the For eld, and press ENTER to open the Find Currents Page.
2. Highlight Map Position, and press ENTER to open the Select Position
3. Press up or down on the ROCKER to move the map pointer to a map
location, and press ENTER. The Find Near Other Position Page shows a
list of Current Stations near the selected map location.
4. Select a Current Station, and press ENTER. If the “None Found” message
appears, repeat steps 1–3 until you nd a Current Station.
Viewing a Current Report
Press the Show Report soft key on the Current sub tab to view a detailed
report of all times and values for all the minimum and maximum current ows
throughout the day, including Flood, Slack, and Max Ebb times and strengths.
Celestial Tab
The Celestial tab shows celestial data for sun and moon rise and set, moon phase,
and the approximate sky view location of the sun and moon. The moon phase
shows the current visible portion of the moon as a light color. You can show this
data for your current location, a location from the map, or a Find item location.
Also, you can select a different date and time, or use the current date and time.
The timetables shown are based on your current time zone.
Horizon (0°)
Overhead (90°)
Sky view window
event times
The Celestial tab contains the following soft keys:
North Up/Track Up—xes the sky view window display to a north
heading or to the current track heading.
Current Date—press to show Celestial information for today’s date.