GPS Applications
Using QueRoutes
“Route To Point” for a destination chosen
from the Map.
Route to a point on the Map
Using QueMap to select a destination
You can create a route to any place on the map by using the stylus
to place the map pointer on a location that you want to use as a
To select a destination:
1. Tap the QueMap icon to display the Map.
2. Once you have identifi ed a map item that you want to use as a
destination, tap it with the stylus to place the map pointer on that
3. Tap the QueRoutes icon on the status bar to display the Que
Routes dialog box
4. Tap the “Route To...” item at the top of the dialog box. The name
displayed depends on the item selected.
5. The Que Map application is displayed and a “Calculating Route”
animated graphic replaces the satellite graphic at the center of the
status bar. When the satellite graphic returns, the route is “active”.
6. Follow the voice prompts and turn preview pages to navigate to
your destination.
QueRoutes when a route is active
QueApplicationsGuideFinal.indd 41 6/23/2003, 3:18:32 PM