The Garmin iQue
3600 handheld is designed to use Garmin GPS
technology integrated with the Palm OS
(Operating System) to not only
manage your personal data but to provide you with navigational guid-
ance, voice recording and an audio player. Your iQue handheld comes
with three manuals.
“Read This First” - SetUp Guide
The SetUp Guide gives you computer connection and software instal-
lation instructions, and other important details. Before reading the other
manuals, read the SetUp Guide which is printed on the Installation CD
Operating Instructions
The Operating Instructions manual describes all you need to know
about how to use your iQue handheld and the applications that come
with it. (Available only on the Installation CD.)
This manual shows you how to:
• Turn On and Off you iQue handheld, reset the iQue handheld, and
to enter data in greater detail.
• Use the HotSync
operation with your computer.
• Exchange data with another handheld using ifr beaming or Data
Card media.
• Personalize your iQue handheld with your own setting preferences.
• Back-up data or transfer data into a different iQue handheld, main-
tain your iQue handheld and other technical information.
Que Applications Guide
This Applications Guide describes how to
use the installed Que
add-on applications
used for:
• Navigation
• Voice Recording (.WAV format)
• Playing .MP3 and .WAV format Audio
About the Manuals
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