
Using QueRoutes
Saved Routes List
Saved Routes List
Saved Route Details
Saving a route
Once you have created a route to a destination, while it is still
active, you can save it to the “Saved Routes” list for re-use at a
later date.
To Save a route:
1. With a route active, tap the Route icon to display the QueRoutes
dialog box.
2. Tap the Saved Routes icon to display the Saved Routes List.
2. Tap the Save Active button at the bottom of the page.
3. A “Save Active Route” dialog box displays. Rename the route if
desired and then tap OK to save to the Saved Routes List.
4. To view details about any saved route on the list, tap the route
name on the list to display the “Saved Route Details” dialog box.
5. Tap OK to close, Activate to begin navigation on that route,
or Delete to remove it from the Saved Routes List.
When you select a Saved Route to navigate, the route will be recal-
culated beginning from your current location.
GPS Applications
QueApplicationsGuideFinal.indd 45 6/23/2003, 3:18:36 PM