Audio Applications
You can send files to another Palm OS
type handheld using the
Beam feature or you can export voice files directly from your PC that
have been backed up during a HotSync
To Export a Voice File:
Using the Beam feature:
1. Turn On your iQue Handheld and position to beam the signals to
another Palm OS
type handheld with the same feature.
2. Select the fi le you want to send, then tap the Beam option from the
Files list in the QueVoice application. When the transfer is complete.,
the Beam dialog disappears
Using the Windows
Backup Files:
1. Select a .WAV voice fi le to export from your PC. All of the backed
up QueVoice fi les are stored under the Palm Desktop Installation
folder (usually C:\Program Files\Palm). The (user name) portion of the
string is is based on the HotSync
operation name. Once you have
accessed the QueVoice folder, there are Card and Handheld folders.
If you have used more than one SD card to store voice fi les, the
additional Card folder names are named after the volume name you
assigned to the SD card.
2. Click the Card or Handheld folder to display the fi les.
3. Select the desired fi les and send via e-mail, or copy to a media disc.
Voice Files with attached locations are also transferred intact with the
location information.
Using QueVoice
QueVoice Card and Handheld File Folders
Backed Up QueVoice files saved to an SD Card.
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