
Satellite Status
‘2D Navigation’ means
the unit has determined
a horizontal position
(latitude/longitude), but
is unable to determine
‘3D Navigation’ means the
unit has determined a
horizontal and vertical po-
sition (latitude, longitude,
and altitude.) The unit is
ready for navigation.
You can use the sky view to help determine if
any satellites are being blocked, and whether
you have a current position fix (indicated by a
‘2D Navigation’ or ‘3D Navigation’ in the status
field). You can also set the sky view to a ‘Track
Up’ configuration, causing the top of the sky
view to align along your current track heading.
When the receiver is looking for a particular
satellite, the corresponding signal strength bar
will be blank and the sky view indicator will
not be highlighted. Once the receiver has found
the satellite, a hollow signal strength bar will
appear, indicating that the satellite has been
found and the receiver is collecting data from it.
The satellite number in the sky view will appear
highlighted. As soon as the GPS 12 MAP has
collected the necessary data to calculate a fix,
the status field will indicate a 2D or 3D status.
(For ‘2D’, you may need to enter your altitude.
See page 27.)
Receiver Status
Receiver status is indicated at the top of the
page. The status will be shown as one of the
following conditions:
Searching— the GPS 12 MAP is looking for
any available satellites in view.
AutoLocate— the GPS 12 MAP is initializing
and collecting new almanac data. This
process can take up to 5 minutes, depending
on the satellites currently in view.
Acquiring— the receiver is collecting data
from available satellites, but has not collected
enough data to calculate a position fix.
2D Navigation— at least three satellites with
good geometry have been locked onto and a
2-dimensional position fix (latitude and
longitude) is being calculated. ‘2D Diff’ will
appear when you are receiving DGPS
corrections in 2D mode.
3D Navigation— at least four satellites with
good geometry have been locked onto, and your
position is now being calculated in latitude,
longitude and altitude. ‘3D Diff’ will appear when
you are receiving DGPS corrections in 3D mode.