Setup Menu:
Only the latitude/longi-
tude, UTM/UPS and
Maidenhead settings ap-
ply worldwide. The addi-
tional grid settings are only
valid for a specific region.
Position Settings
Position Format is used to change the
coordinate system in which a given position
reading is displayed. The default format is
latitude and longitude in degrees and
minutes (hddd°mm.mmm’). The following
additional formats are available:
• hddd.ddddd° — latitude/longitude in
decimal degrees only
• hddd°mm’ss.s” — latitude/longitude in
degrees, minutes, seconds
• UTM/UPS — Universal Transverse
Mercator / Universal Polar Stereographic
• British Grid • German Grid
• Irish Grid • Swedish Grid
• Swiss Grid • Taiwan Grid
• Maidenhead • New Zealand
• User UTM Grid
Map Datum allows you to select the datum
reference used to determine where a given
position is. The default setting is ‘WGS 84’.
Although over 100 datums are available (as
listed on page 88-90), you should only
change the datum if you are using a map or
chart that specifies a different datum. If no
datum is specified, you may select each
datum applicable to your region until you
find the datum that provides the best
positioning at a known point.
WARNING: Selecting the wrong map datum
can result in substantial position errors.
When in doubt, use the default WGS 84
datum for best overall performance.