Zooming and Panning
There are three main functions you can
perform from the Map Page: zooming, panning,
and pointing. The map has 24 map scales (from
120 feet to 500 miles, or 30 meters to 800 km)
which are selected by pressing the IN and OUT
zoom keys. The current map scale is indicated
in the bottom left corner of the map display.
To change the map scale:
1. Press zoom IN to see a smaller area with more
2. Press zoom OUT to see a larger area with less
Another function on the Map Page is the pan
function, which allows you to move the map
with the keypad in order to view areas beyond
the current map.
To activate the pan function:
1. Use the rocker keypad to move the map in any
direction, including diagonally.
As you begin to pan on the map, an arrow
appears. This arrow will serve as a target marker
for the map. When the arrow is placed on an
object, the name of that object will be high-
lighted. (If the name wasn’t originally displayed
it will appear when the arrow is placed on the
object.) This feature applies to waypoints,
roads, lakes, rivers—pretty much everything
displayed except route lines and track log data.
When a waypoint name is highlighted, you
can review information about the waypoint, list
waypoint options, or execute a GOTO right
from the Map Page.
Zoom IN to see more
detail for a smaller
area. Zoom OUT to see
a larger area.
Use the rocker keypad
to pan away from your
present position. Place
the arrow on a waypoint
and press ENTER to see
more information.