Active Route
Page Options
To view each waypoint
along your route and the
surrounding area, select
‘Show Map’ and use the
panning arrow to move
along your route on the
map display.
‘Setup plan’ allows you
to define planned speed,
fuel flow and departure
time in order to review
trip planning figures.
Many features of the GPS 12 MAP are menu
driven. Each of the main pages has an options
menu, allowing you to custom tailor the
corresponding page to your preferences and/or
select special features which specifically relate to
that page.
To display the Active Route Page Op-
tions, press MENU (with the Active
Route Page displayed).
The following options are available:
Show Map— allows you to view the area
around the active route. When selected,
‘Show Map’ will show the map display
centered on the first waypoint in the active
Setup Plan— displays a trip planning screen,
allowing you to plan and review distance,
fuel, time en route and sunrise/sunset
information for the selected route.
To use the trip planning features:
1. Highlight ‘Setup Plan’ and press ENTER. The trip
planning screen is displayed, showing speed, fuel
flow, departure time and departure date informa-
2. Enter an hourly fuel flow (if desired) in the fuel
field, using the same steps above. Fuel flow rate
units (gallons, liters, etc.) are not specified on the
GPS 12 MAP. Enter these figures based upon
available information for your vehicle and make
note of the desired units.
3. Press QUIT to return to the Route Plan Page, then
use the LEFT/RIGHT keys on the rocker keypad to
review the planning information.
Re-evaluate— reactivates the current route
and selects the route leg closest to your
current position as the active leg. The active
leg defines the current ‘from’ and ‘to’