Map Page
The Map Page shows your position and surround-
ings, and provides you with a target cursor that lets
you pan ahead to nearby waypoints, determine the dis-
tance and bearing to a map position, and mark new
waypoints while you navigate. The Map Page is broken
down into two sections: control fields and map section.
The zoom function, panning control, and configu-
ration fields are located at the top of the screen. The
zoom function uses 12 selectable zoom ranges from 0.2
to 320 miles or 0.5 to 600 km. (Using the zoom, pan-
ning, and configure fields will be addressed in the next
The map portion of the page displays your present
position as a diamond icon, with your track and/or
route displayed as a solid line. Nearby waypoints are
represented as squares, with the waypoint name also
listed. You may select which of these features are
shown through the map setup submenu page (see pg.
38-39 for more information).
The four corners of the Map Page are used to dis-
play various navigation data, including the bearing and
distance to a destination waypoint and your current
track and speed over the ground. The two fields at the
top corners of the map show your bearing and distance
to one of three selectable destinations: an active desti-
nation waypoint, a highlighted on-screen waypoint, or
the panning target crosshair. If you are not navigating
to a waypoint or using the panning function, the top
data fields will not be displayed. Your current track and
speed are shown at the bottom corners of the display.
Note: A map scale repre-
sents the distance shown
from the bottom to the top
of the Map Page. For
example, when viewing
the 10 mile scale, the dis-
tance represented between
the top of the screen and
bottom is 10 miles.
Map Page
The four corners of the
Map Page are used to
show your course, speed,
and distance to either a
cursor or to a destination
Bearing to
Pan & Configure
Track Over
Speed Over
Distance to
Zoom Scale
GPS 12XL Manual Rev C 7/10/98 11:19 AM Page 35