Initializing Your GPS 12XL for First-Time Use
The GPS 12XL typically acquires a position so fast
that initialization is completed automatically. However,
initialization will be necessary for the following:
• After memory loss
• When the receiver has been moved more than
500 miles with the power off.
Additionally, it may be necessary to initialize the
unit the first time you use it, if it does not acquire a fix
in a few minutes.
The receiver is shipped from the factory in
AutoLocate™ mode, which enables the GPS 12XL to
determine its location anywhere in the world. To speed
up the initialization process, we recommend using the
graphic initialization described below, which will usual-
ly provide a fix in a few minutes.
To turn the GPS 12XL on:
1. Press and hold
until the receiver turns on.
The welcome page will be displayed while the unit
conducts a self test.
Once testing is complete, the welcome page will be
replaced by the Satellite Page, with the EZinit prompt
ready for you to select one of two initialization
•Select Country––allows you to initialize the
receiver by selecting your present position from a
list of countries in the GPS 12XL’s internal data-
base. This usually provides a position fix in a few
––allows the GPS 12XL to initialize
itself and calculate a position fix without knowing
your present position. This usually provides a posi-
tion fix in 3-5 minutes.
If the EZinit prompt has not automatically
appeared on the Satellite Page:
1. Press the
Note: If the EZinit prompt ever appears after you
have initialized the receiver (due to the antenna’s view
of satellites being obstructed by trees, etc.), highlight
the ‘NO RE-INIT’ selection with the arrow keypad and
Welcome Page
The EZinit prompt will
automatically appear if
the receiver needs to be
initialized. The prompt
may also appear during
normal use if the antenna
is shaded.
GPS 12XL Manual Rev C 7/10/98 11:19 AM Page 48