Specifications &
Never attempt any repairs yourself. To protect your GPS 12XL,
keep it in its carrying case when not in use, and never allow gaso-
line or other solvents to come into contact with the case. Clean the
case and lens with a soft cloth and a household window cleaner.
Case: waterproof*
Size: 14.6 x 5.1 x 3.4 cm
Weight: Approx 9.5 ounces (269g) w/ batteries
Temperature Range: 5º to 158ºF (-15º to 70ºC)
Receiver: 12 parallel channel, differential-ready
Acquisition Time: Approx. 15 seconds (warm start)
Approx. 45 seconds (cold start)
Approx. 5 minutes (AutoLocate
Update Rate: 1/second, continuous
Position Accuracy: 1-5 meters (3-17 ft.) with DGPS corrections**
15 meters (49 ft.) RMS***
Velocity Accuracy: 0.1 knot RMS steady state
Dynamics: 6g
Input: Four 1.5 volt AA batteries or 10-32 vDC
Power Consumption: 1 watt
Battery Life: Up to 12 hours (with 4 AA batteries)
Internal Backup: lithium battery
NOTE: Alkaline batteries lose a significant amount of their capacity as temperature decreas-
es. If you’re using the GPS 12XL in below freezing temperatures, use lithium batter-
ies for longer battery life. Extensive use of screen backlighting will significantly
reduce battery life.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
* Meets IEC (European Community Specification) 529 IPX7 for protection against immersion for
30 minutes at a depth of 1 meter.
** With optional DGPS Input.
*** Subject to accuracy degradation to 100m 2DRMS under the US DOD-imposed Selective
Availability Program.
GPS 12XL Manual Rev C 7/10/98 11:19 AM Page 50