
Zooming, Panning, and Configuring
There are four main functions you can perform from
the Map Page— zooming, pointing, panning, and con-
figuring (changing the map and track setup). Each of
these functions has its own “field”, which may be select-
ed and activated for use. Whenever the Map Page first
appears, the zoom field (at the top left) is always high-
lighted. The map has 12 map scales which are selected
through the zoom function field.
To select a zoom scale:
1. Use the arrow keypad to highlight the zoom field.
2. Press the
key to begin range selection.
3. Select a range scale and press
The second function field on the Map Page is the
pan field, located at the top middle of the screen. The
pan function allows you to move the map with the four
arrow keys to view areas outside the current map.
To activate the pan function:
1. From the zoom field, highlight the pan field.
2. Press the
key to activate the pan function.
3. Use the arrow keys to move the map in any direction.
As you begin to move the map, a crosshair (plus
sign) will appear. This crosshair will now serve as a tar-
get marker for the moving map. The distance and bear-
ing to your destination will now be replaced by the dis-
tance and bearing from your present position to the tar-
get crosshair.
When you pan around the map, you’ll notice the
target crosshair will “snap” to on-screen waypoints and
highlight the waypoint name. Once a waypoint name is
highlighted, you can either review its waypoint defini-
tion page or waypoint display options, or execute a
GOTO function right from the Map Page.
To review the waypoint definition page for a high-
lighted waypoint:
1. Press
while the waypoint is highlighted.
Panning, &
A crosshair will appear
when you activate the pan
function. The distance and
direction of the crosshair
from your current position
will be shown in the upper
corners of the Map Page.
On-Screen Pointing
The crosshair will “snap”
to displayed waypoints,
which allows you to quick-
ly review or go to the
selected waypoint right
from the Map Page.
GPS 12XL Manual Rev C 7/10/98 11:19 AM Page 36