Auto leg seq slctd - The GPS 155 has reset the automatic leg sequencing option to
the ON setting to permit approach navigation.
Battery low - The battery pack is low on power. The battery pack should be
recharged for continued operation. This can be done while the
unit is in the aircraft.
Battery rqrs service - A problem has been detected in the battery pack. The unit
should be taken to an authorized GARMIN service center.
Cannot chng actv wpt - An attempt has been made to modify the position of the ‘active to’ or
‘active from’ waypoint. The GPS 155 will not allow the modifications.
Cannot chng wpt sqnc- An attempt has been made to modify an approach, SID or
STAR. The waypoint sequence of approaches, SIDs and STARs
may not be modified.
Cannot nav lockd rte - You have tried to activate a route containing a locked waypoint.
The GPS 155 cannot navigate in this condition.
Cannot ofst goto rte - An attempt has been made to engage the offset navigation feature
while the GPS 155 is navigating using a single waypoint route.
The GPS 155 will not allow offset navigation in this situation.
Checklist is full - The selected checklist is full. No new items can be added until
existing items are deleted.
Collecting data - The GPS 155 is collecting orbital data while searching the sky.
The antenna should have a good view of the sky and the GPS
155 should be allowed to finish data collection before turning
the unit off.
Comment memory full- The waypoint comment memory is full. You must delete exist-
ing waypoint comments before adding new ones.
Course input fail - The course input from RS-422 or ARINC 429 is not available to
the GPS 155. Check the I/O settings and/or have the installation
checked by a certified technician.
Data card failed - The GPS 155 has detected a problem with the data card. The
data is not usable and the card should be returned to Jeppesen
or an authorized GARMIN service center.
155man (GOOD) 7/24/98 1:57 PM Page 99