
The following functions may be displayed in the ground speed field:
gs -- Your present speed over the ground.
str --Steer direction and distance, or digital crosstrack error. An ‘L’ or ‘R’
indicates which direction to steer, while the distance value indi-
cates how far you are off course.
The following functions may be displayed in the distance field:
dis -- Distance from present position to the ‘active to’ waypoint.
str -- Steer direction and distance, or digital crosstrack error. An ‘L’ or ‘R’
indicates which direction to steer to return to your original course,
while the distance value indicates how far you are off course.
The following steering functions may be displayed in the track field:
trk -- Track, the direction of movement relative to the ground.
brg -- Bearing, the direction from your present position to the waypoint.
cts -- Course to steer to reduce cross track error and stay on course.
dtk -- Desired track, the course between the active from and to waypoints.
trn -- Turn, the direction and degrees to turn to get back on the most
direct course to the destination waypoint.
The following information can be displayed in the ete field:
eta -- Estimated Time of Arrival (at the active to waypoint)
ete -- Estimated Time Enroute (to the active to waypoint)
trk -- Track, or the direction of movement relative to the ground
vn -- Vertical Navigation, or VNAV. If VNAV has been activated
(See page 16-17), this field indicates either the elapsed time before
the VNAV maneuver is to begin or the VNAV altitude (the suggested
altitude you should be flying in order to complete the maneuver).
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