
JET A- Jet fuel - Type A
JET B- Jet fuel - Type B
KH- Kilometers Per Hour
KM- Kilometers
KT- Knots
LB- Pounds
LCL- Local
LEN- Length
LFOB- Leftover Fuel On Board
LFLOW- Left fuel flow
LOC- Localizer
LT- Liters
MAG VAR-Magnetic Variation
MB- Millibars Of Pressure
MF- Mandatory Frequency
MH- Statute Miles Per Hour
MI- Statute Miles
MIN- Minimum
MIN - Minutes
MOA- Military Operations Area
MPM- Meters Per Minute
MPS- Meters Per Second
MSA- Minimum Safe Altitude
MT- Meters
MUL- Multicom
NDB- NDB Waypoint
NM- Nautical Miles
NP- Non-precision
NR- Nearest
OBS- Omni-directional Bearing Select
(Inbound Course Select)
OTH- Other
ºC- Degrees Celsius
ºF- Degrees Fahrenheit
PC- Pilot Controlled
POSN- Position
PRES- Barometric Pressure
(Altimeter setting)
PROX- Proximity
PRX- Proximity
PT- Part Time
PTX- Pre-Taxi
PWR- Power
RDR- Radar
REQ- Required
RF- Reference
RFLOW- Right fuel flow
RNG- Range
RNWY- Runway
RSTCD- Restricted
RSV- Reserves
RTE- Route
RX- Receive only
SAR- Search And Rescue
SEC- Seconds
SEQ- Sequence
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