Troubleshooting Q & A
When should I switch from HOLD to AUTO, and what happens when I do?
Once you are ready to resume automatic waypoint sequencing, you must set the
desired course on your HSI two seconds before changing the GPS SEQ switch to the
AUTO position. This allows the the desired course to ‘settle’ prior to the GPS 155
using it. Once the GPS SEQ switch is set back to the AUTO position, the GPS 155
will use the HSI course until you have crossed the active-to waypoint and sequenced
to the next route waypoint. See pages 64-65 for more on the GPS SEQ switch.
Why won’t my unit automatically sequence to the next waypoint?
The GPS 155 will only sequence approach, SID or STAR waypoints when the GPS
SEQ switch is in the AUTO position. For automatic sequencing to occur, you must
also cross the bisector of the turn you are navigating. See pages 64-65 for more on
automatic waypoint sequencing.
How do I skip a waypoint in an approach, SID or STAR?
The GPS 155 allows you to manually select any approach, STAR or SID waypoint
as your next ‘active to’ destination. This procedure, called an on-route direct-to, is
performed from the active route page by highlighting the desired waypoint and press-
ing D, then
to approve the selection. The GPS will then provide navigation
directly to the selected waypoint, so be sure you have clearance directly to that posi-
tion. See pages 59 & 69 for more information.
How do I fly the GPS with an autopilot and DG heading bug?
If you do not have an HSI, you should make your course selections on the OBS
and the DG heading bug.
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