2 iQue 3600a Que Applications Guide
Viewing the GPS Status with QueGPS
QueGPS provides signal strength bars and a status
field at the top of the screen so you can view the status
of the GPS receiver.
To determine the GPS Status:
1. Open QueGPS by tapping the status icon
at the bottom of the screen.
2. Observe the message in the top of the window.
GPS Signal Status
“Acquiring Satellites”—GPS is on and
searching for satellite signals.
“3D GPS Location”—a 3D location fix has
been established.
“3D Differential GPS Location”—WAAS
satellite signals are being received and a 3D
location fix is established.
“2D Differential GPS Location”—only enough
WAAS satellite signals are being received to
determine a 2D location fix.
“2D GPS Location”—enough satellite signals
are being received to establish a 2D fix.
“GPS is Off”—the antenna is closed.
GPS Tips
While the receiver is gathering information, your
location on the map may display as different from
where you actually are located. Be patient; as soon as
the receiver gathers enough satellite information, your
proper location is displayed on the map.
Any time you have traveled more than 600 miles with
the GPS receiver turned off, the receiver may take
longer than normal to initialize and find your location.
The GPS receiver can lose satellite signals due to
interference from such items as buildings, tunnels,
and heavy tree cover. Monitoring the GPS status is
If you do not want the GPS receiver on, keep the
antenna closed, particularly when indoors.
For more information about QueGPS, refer to the
“QueGPS” section on page 65. To learn about GPS,
refer to “Learning about GPS” in the Appendix.