iQue 3600a Que Applications Guide 93
Location—your current position displayed in the selected
location format.
Max Speed—the maximum speed the unit has moved.
Pointer—displays an arrow that points toward a Go To
destination or the next waypoint on the route.
Speed—displays rate of travel in miles/kilometers/nautical
miles per hour.
Sunrise—the time at which the sun rises on this day.
Sunset—the time at which the sun sets on this day.
—the time for the selected time zone.
Timer Flight—the length of time for the current flight.
Timer Move
—time the unit has been moving since last reset
of the trip timers.
Timer Total
—total time the unit has been in operation since
last reset of the trip timers.
—the direction of movement relative to a ground
position. Also referred to as ground track.
Trip Odometer
—the total distance traveled since the trip
odometer was reset.
Turn—the angle difference (in degrees) between the bearing
to your destination and your current line of travel. L means
turn Left. R means turn Right.
Vel (Velocity) Made Good
—the speed at which you are
closing on a destination along a desired course.
Vert (Vertical) Speed
—the rate of climb or descent.
VS (Vertical Speed) To Target
—speed at which you are
descending or ascending to the target altitude.
Wpt (Waypoint) Destination—the final waypoint in the
route, or the destination waypoint.
Wpt (Waypoint) Next
—the next waypoint in the route.