64 iQue 3600a Que Applications Guide
This section describes additional Que Applications
and features that are installed on your iQue 3600a.
QueFlights displays a list of any recorded
flights, including date, route of flight, and
flight time. The iQue 3600a saves up to 50
recorded flights while in Aviation Mode.
Recording begins automatically when your speed
exceeds 30 knots and you gain 500 feet of altitude.
The Route of Flight field uses the nearest airport
as the departure airport. The destination airport is
continuously updated as your flight progresses.
If your groundspeed drops below 30 knots, the flight
entry is saved and a new entry will be recorded when
you depart the airport. A touch-and-go or brief stop of
less than ten minutes will append to the current flight
record, instead of starting a new entry.
To view details for a flight:
1. Tap the Home icon to open the Applications
2. Tap QueFlights.
Tap the desired
flight to view
Tap Delete All
to remove all
flights from the
3. Tap the desired flight to view Flight Details.
When in the Aviation Cradle, use the Rocker
key to highlight the desired flight and press
ENTER to view Flight Details.
4. Tap OK to return to QueFlights. Tap Delete to
delete that flight.
To delete all flights stored in QueFlights, tap Delete
All. On the confirmation window, tap OK to complete
the deletion. Tap Cancel to stop deleting the flights.