
92 iQue 3600a Que Applications Guide
Data Field Options
Accuracy—estimated position accuracy in feet or meters.
Altitude—height above mean sea level (MSL).
Avg Spd Move (Average Speed while Moving)
speed while moving since last reset of the trip computer.
Avg Spd Total (Average Speed Total)
—average speed of unit
for both moving and stopped speeds since last reset of the trip
Bearing—the direction from your current location to a
Course—the direction from your starting location to a
Cross Track—the distance you are off a desired course in
either direction, left or right.
Crs (Course) to Steer—the recommended direction to steer in
order to reduce cross-track error and return to the course line.
Dist Dest (Distance to Destination)—the distance from
current location to a Go To destination, or the final waypoint
in a route.
Dist Next (Distance to Next Waypoint)
—the distance from
current location to a Go To destination, or the next waypoint
in a route.
ETA Dest
(Estimated Time of Arrival at Destination)—the
estimated time you will reach a Go To destination, or the final
waypoint in a route.
ETA Next
(Estimated Time of Arrival at Next Waypoint)
the estimated time you will reach a Go To destination, or the
next waypoint in a route.
ETE Dest (Estimated Time Enroute to Destination)
estimated time required to reach a Go To destination, or the
final waypoint in a route.
ETE Next (Estimated Time Enroute to Next Waypoint)
the estimated time required to reach a Go To destination, or the
next waypoint in a route.
ETE VNAV (Estimated Time Enroute to VNAV)
estimated time required to reach the initial descent point in a
VNAV profile.
Glide Ratio—the ratio of horizontal distance travelled to
vertical distance travelled. For example, a 6:1 glide ratio
indicates a 1000 feet vertical descent for every 6000 feet
horizontal distance travelled.
Glide to Target
—the glide ratio required to descend from
present position and altitude to the target altitude at the
location specified on the VNAV screen.