
The waypoints, routes, custom settings, and other data stored in the GPS
100 are maintained by an internal battery. (These data will not be lost even
if you remove the AA or rechargeable battery pack for separate storage.) The
internal memory battery should typically last three to five years. If the GPS
100 detects a low memory battery, you will be informed with the message
“MEMORY BATTERY LOW”. You should return your unit to an authorized
GARMIN service center as soon as possible for service. Failure to do so may
result in loss of data each time you turn your unit off (indicated by the
message “STORED DATA LOST”).
Your GPS 100 contains a highly accurate crystal oscillator which may drift
after many years of operation. If the unit detects excessive oscillator drift,
you will be informed with the message “OSC NEEDS ADJUSTMENT”. You
should return your unit to an authorized GARMIN service center as soon as
possible. Failure to do so may result in degraded acquisition performance.
Should you require additional assistance, please contact our Customer
Support Department at our toll free number: 1-800-800-1020.