“NEED ALT” The GPS 100 needs altitude in order to start and/or
continue 2D navigation. Go to the Position Page and
enter altiitude (see Section 5.2 for more information).
“NOT USABLE” The GPS 100 is unusable (possibly due to incorrect
initialization data or abnormal satellite conditions). Turn
the unit off and back on. Check the initialization data.
The GPS Status Page also shows the identifier and signal quality of up to 8
visible satellites. The identifier is a character from “1” through “9” and “A”
through “W” (the letters “A” to “W” represent satellites 10 through 32). Below
each satellite identifier is the signal quality number, 1 through 9, with 9
indicating the strongest signal. If a satellite is visible but not tracked, the
signal status will be blank.
Alarm Distance Alarm Switch
The Alarm Page features 3 alarms: CDI, arrival, and anchor drag. When an
alarm condition occurs, you will be notified with an alarm tone and a
The CDI alarm will notify you with an alarm tone and the message “CDI
ALARM” if your craft has deviated from course beyond the limit you set. This
can be useful while navigating a narrow channel or flying in an airway. If you
are using the offset navigation feature (see Section 11.4), keep in mind that
your course deviation is relative to the parallel track you selected, not the
original course.
To set the CDI alarm...
· Enter the CDI alarm distance. The cursor will move over the cyclic
field to the right of the CDI alarm distance.
· Press the CLR key to select “ON” for the CDI alarm.