(Note: Some fields allow only letters and no numbers. For example, the
hemispheric designation for latitude is either an “N” for North or “S” for South.
If you wish to enter an “N” for North, press the 5 key, which is also labeled
with the letter N. The GPS 100 will automatically display “N” for you.)
To change a cyclic field...
· Press the CLR key.
To indicate approval on a confirmation field...
· Press the ENT key.
To indicate rejection on a confirmation field...
· Press the CLR key.
From time to time, the GPS 100 will use a message to tell you of conditions
that need your attention. When the GPS 100 has a new message for you,
the Message Annunciator will flash. When this occurs, press the MSG key
to view new message(s). Continue to press the MSG key until the page you
were viewing prior to pressing the MSG key is displayed.
While the Message Annunciator is flashing, the GPS 100 will also generate
an audible tone to alert you of the message. (The message tone can be
turned off if you wish; see Section 11.5 for more details.) Messages that
demand immediate attention such as an arrival alarm generate a quick tone
that will not stop until you view the message. All other messages generate
a slow tone that will cease after 15 seconds.