You may display one of two time options or track:
· ETE - Estimated time enroute. ETE is the time it will take to reach
the “active to” waypoint based on your speed.
· ETA - Estimated time of arrival. ETA is the time at which you will
arrive at the “active to” waypoint based on your speed.
· TRK- Track. TRK is the direction of movement relative to the
Altitude EPE/DOP
Latitude Longitude
Velocity/ Ground Speed Track
Reference Select
The Position Page displays your ground speed, track, and position relative
to the selected earth datum (see Section 11.7 for more information on earth
datums). The altitude displayed is the elevation above mean sea level
(MSL); it is NOT equivalent to the altitude displayed on pressure altimeters
in aircraft and should not be used for vertical navigation.
You may display one of two system quality factors:
· DOP- Dilution of precision. DOP is a measure of the satellite
geometry quality and hence the relative accuracy of your
position (1 meaning the best and 10 meaning poor).
· EPE- Estimated position error. EPE, computed using the satel-
lite geometry (DOP), signal and data quality, receiver
trackingstatus and other factors, is an overall measure of
your position accuracy.