
GNC 420(A) Pilot’s Guide and Reference
190-00140-20 Rev. K
5) Press the ENT Key to confirm the identifier. The
‘Activate?’ function field is highlighted (Figure
Figure 1-17 ‘Activate?’ Highlighted
6) Press the ENT Key to activate a direct-to course
to the selected destination.
Once a direct-to destination is selected, press and hold
the CLR Key to display the Default NAV Page.
Default NAV Page
During most ights, the Default NAV Page, the Map
Page, and the NAV/COM Page are the primary pages used
for navigation.
Selecting the Default NAV Page:
Press and hold the CLR Key (Figure 1-18).
Figure 1-18 Default NAV Page
TO/FROM Flag Course Deviation
Indicator (CDI)
Active Leg of
Flight Plan
Data Fields
The Default NAV Page displays a graphic course
deviation indicator (CDI), the active leg of the ight plan
(as dened by the current ‘from’ and ‘to’ waypoints), and
six user-selectable data fields. The default settings for
these elds are distance to waypoint (DIS), desired track
(DTK), bearing to waypoint (BRG), ground speed (GS),
ground track (TRK), and estimated time enroute (ETE).
See Section 12.3 for denitions of these navigation terms.
Changing the data fields:
1) From the Default NAV page, press the MENU
Key and select ‘Change Fields?’ (Figure 1-19).
Figure 1-19 Default NAV Page Menu
2) Turn the large right knob to select the data
field to be changed.
3) Turn the small right knob to display a list of
data options (Figure 1-20).
Figure 1-20 ‘Select Field Type’ Window
4) Press the ENT Key to select the desired data
item and return to the Default NAV Page.