Consumer Inff}rmation
Wall Ovet_
Your new Monogram wall oven makes an eloquent statement of style, convenience and kitchen
planning flexibilit> Whether you chose it fl)r its purity of design, assiduous attention to detail--
or flw both of these reasons--you'll find that your Monogram wall oven's superior blend of form
and hmction will delight you fin" years to come.
Yimr Monogram wall oven was designed to provide the flexibilit_ to blend in with your kitchen
cabinetr> Its sleek design can be beautitully integrated into the kitchen.
The inflwmation on the following pages will help you operate and maintain your wall oven
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Grid .................. 36
Oven Door . ...................... 38, 40
Oven Lights ........................ 39
Probe ............................. 38
Racks .............................. 37
Consumer Services
Important Phone Nmnbers ............ 47
Model and Serial Nmnber . .............. 24
Problem Solver ................... 41, 42
Product Registration ............. 3, 45, 46
Satiety Instructions ................... 4-9
_u'ranty ........................... 48
Aluminum Foil ................. 13, 16, 25
Baking/Roasting ..................... 15
Broiling ......................... 16, 17
Clock .............................. 31
Controls ............... 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21,
23, 25, 26, 27, 28
Control I,ockout ....................... 31
Convection Cooking ............... 20-25
Featm'es ............................ l 0
Probe .................. 12, 18, 19, 23, 38
Proofing ............................ 28
Racks .............................. 14
Sabbath Feature ...................... 35
Sel_2Cleaning Instructions ........... 29, 30
Special Features ................... 33-35
Thermostat A{!justment ................ 33
Timed Cooking ................... 26, 27
Timer .............................. 32
t_? _l OgJe
pa&c ¢ing
Carefully grasp a corner of the protective
shipping fihn with yore" fingers and slowly peel
it fl'om the appliance surfitce. Do not use any
sharp items to remove the film. Remove all
of the film beflwe using the appliance flw
the first time.
To assure no damage is done to the finish
of the product, the sMest way to iemove
the adhesive from packaging tape on new
appliances is an application of a househ{}ld
liquid dishwashing detergent. Apply with a
sott cloth and allow to soak.
N()7N: Tke adh_:sive must be *Pmoved.fi_)m all
/)arts. It (annot be *Pmoved !lit is baked on.