(;are and (;leaning
Each oven is equipped with two halogen light
assemblies h)cated on tile side _dls of tile o\en.
Tile lights come on when tile door is opened or
when tile oven is ill a cooldng cycle. Tile oxen
lights do not come on during self:cleaning or
if tile Sabbath Feature is set.
Each light assembly consists of a rein (_vable light
cover with two locking clips, a light compartment
with three light bulb sockets and three halogen
light bulbs.
CAUTION: Befiwe rei)lacino_ tile bulb,
discomlect electrical po*_er to tile oxen at tile
main fuse or circuit breaker panel.
Be sure to let tile light cover and bulb cool
For )our safety, do not touch a hot btdb with bare
hands or a damp cloth.
To remove:
Remoxe tile racks from tile oxen. See tile Fidl
(!XtFILSlOII O'gl('ll Ya( /¢5 sectioll.
Using an a(!justable wrench, remove tile fi)ur
nuts homing the rack suppm_ over tile light
Remove tile glass light cover b} pulling its
back edge ()sit and rolling it to*</rd ?ou.
Do Ilot reI/lo_e Hill scre_vs.
NOTE: Tile two loddng clips may fidl fl'om
tile glass light cove_; Upon replacement, they
will need to be placed ill tile correct position
on tile light cover and pressed back into tile
light compartment until seated.
Using gloves or a (h)' cloth, remove
tile burned-out light bulb by pulling
it straight out.
To replace:
[)se a new 120-volt Halogen bulb, with (;8 pins,
not to exceed 25 watts.
R¢/dacementbulbs may be pu,ckzl,sedb3,calliug
800.626.2002. Or(&rPart Nu mbo'WB25Tl O064.
N07N: H(gher wattage bulbs will damage your oven.
Using gloves or a chy cloth, remove tile bulb
fl'om its packaging. Do not touch the bulb with
baJee fingers. Oil fl'om bare fingel_ may cause hot
spots on tile glass suHitce and lead to premature
fifihu'e of tile bulb. If you do touch tile glass,
clean it with alcohol prior to installation.
Push tile bulb stndght into tile receptacle all
tile way.
Replace tile light co\'el; by plating its
fl'ont edge under tile flont two tabs ill tile
light comparmlent. Roll tile back edge into
place, maldng sure that it is firmly seated.
NOTE: If _ Hold Placefront
tile lorldng( t__ )!10cking_ edgeof
• . ' clipsin
[hps fell _Q-_ppiace on_ lenSunderCOVer
froll/ tile lensc0ver_&. - / fronttwo
glass lens co;el, backedge/Ni__!1 / tabs
iioldthenloil _' _ /
tlle.,,e,; i. tile
correct position, /-_:___ "
while repladng tile Pressthe %btcover
cover on tile light intoplace
Tile lieht,, coxer must be in place *allen usin,,.
tile ()veil.
For improved lighting inside tile oven,
clean tile glass cover frequently using a wet
cloth. This should be done when tile oven is
ofl_ disconnected fl'om tile power suppl> and
completely cool.
Replace tile rack suppoxl with tile slotted
holes over tile rear bolts and tile round holes
over tile fl'ont bolts. I,ightly secure with tile
fimr nuts removed earliei; but do not eyed
tighten or tile enamel could be chipped.
Slotted Round
boles holes
over over
rear front
bolts bolts
Replace tile racks. See tile Fidl extension
Recomlect electrical power to tile oxen.