start and
Timed cooldng with DELAY START allows
yon to set the oven to turn on at the time of day
you set, cook for a selected length of time and
turn off automatically. DEI AY START cannot
be used with tile Sabbath ieature.
To delay the start of cooking:
NOTE: BMore beginning, make sure tile clock
shows tile correct time of day.
To avoid possible burns, place the racks
in tile correct position bMore turning on
tile oven.
NOTE: Timed cooldng camlot be set fi_I"the
Broil or Proof features,
Push tile DELAY START button. Tile current
time ot day will flash ill tile display.
0_ doubh_ rr_¢_ mo(h_& [)usl_ th_ DEIAY START
button on_ to set the u/)/wr ov¢_ a_M twic_ to set the
b,)'glrPF 07)(!?L
Turn tile Mini-Knob to select and push it to
ellter tile tiil/e ot da_, _,o/I _,#allt tile ()*,'ell to
ttlrll Oll ;/11(1 start cooldn_
Push the COOK TIME button.
NOTE: if your redpe requires preheating, you
may need to add additional time to the length ot
cooldng time (approximately 10 to 15 minutes).
l_ Turn tile Mini-Knob to select and push it
to enter tile desired length of cooldng time.
(Tile ma_mum cooking time is 9 hours and
59 minutes. Tile minimum cooldng time
is 1 minute.)
Turn the Oven Mode knob to tile desired
cooldng flnlction.
Using tile Tempemtme knob,
set tile desired temperature, in 25°F
increments, fi'om 200°F to 550°E
To recall tile start time, push tile DI_Y START
button. To change it, turn and push tile Mini-
Knob. To recall the cook time, push tile COOK
TIME button. To change it, turn and push tile
Tile display will return to tile time of day and
show START TIME indicating the oven is set.
When the stm't time is reached the o\en and
tile o\en interior lights will turn on.
NOTE: Tile cook time countdown will stai_t
when the delay start time is reached. The display
will show COOK TIME and tile cooldng time
Tile o\en will continue to cook fiw tile
progrlmlmed amount of time, then turn off
At tile end of timed cooldng, tile oven
will ttlrn Off; 0:00 will flash quicldy, END will
show ill tile display and the oven control will
beep. To stop the reminder beep, turn tile
Oven Mode knob and tile Temperature
knob to OFK
On doubh_ rrg_¢r_mo(h_Ls;you can use timc,d bahh_g"in
both ov(_s at the same tim(_. 7)z*'t_ttw Ovet_ Mo(h_ knob
at_([ tlw 7i_m/)o_tlm, lumb o/the sg,(7omlrfL)('F2& the
(h'sh'ed setdt_g_. Push the COOK TIME buttot_ (rod
tu*vz a_d push the Mini-Kt_ob to ent¢*: I'lcsh t/w
DEIAY START button (rod tu*w a_d push the
M_ni-K*mb Io(,r_t(,*:
* Tile _'X;_,I_M(175 ° shows ill tile display)
tempeniture setting of this oven is available to
keep hot cooked foods warm. Food kept ill tile
oven longer than two hotllN at these low
tempel_lttlres lIlil}' II(}t be sate to eat.
* Foods that spoil easil), such as milk, eggs, fish,
stuffings, poultry and pork, should not be
allowed to sit tot more than one hour beibre or
afl:er cooMng. Room temperature promotes tile
gro_v_h of hannfld bacteria.