Timed Cooking
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start and
Double eve/?display shown
Timed cooking allows yon to set the oven
to turn on immediately, cook for a selected
length of time and turn off automatically.
To set the oven to turn on immediately and
turn off automatically:
NOTE: Befi)re beginning, make sure the clock
shows tile correct time of day.
To avoid possible burns, place tile racks
in tile correct position bet)re turning on
tile ()veil.
Turn tile Oven Mode knob to tile desired
cooking function.
NOTE: Timed cooking cannot be set fl)r
tile Broil or Proof features.
Using tile Temperature knob,
set tile desired temperature, ill 25°F
increments, fl'om 200°F to 550°E
Tile oven and the oven interior lights will
turn on immediately and stay on until tile
()veil ttlrns ott.
Tile convection tim will turn on (alter a
short delay), the PREHEAT light will turn
on and 100°F will appear ill the display.
(The temperature display will start to
change ()lice tile ();'ell temperattlre reaches
lO0°E) Tile control will beep when the
oven is preheated--this will take
approximately l 0 to 15 minutes. Tile
PREHEAT light will tm'n oft and the
display will show tile set temperature.
When the PREHEAT light goes off, place
food in tile oven.
Push tile COOK TIME btltton.
NOTE: If your recipe requires preheating,
you may need to add additional time to tile
length of cooking time (approximately 10
to 15 minutes).
Push to select Mini-Knob
Turn to select
Push to enter
Turn tile Mini-Knob to select and push it
to enter tile desired length of cooking time.
(The maximum cooking time is 9 hours
and 59 minutes. Tile minim um cooking
time is 1 minute.)
The display will show (2OOK TIME and tile
cooking tin/e countdowIl.
NOTE: Tile cook time coundown will start
Tile oxen x_ill continue to cook for tile
l)r°graI/lI//ed( aI//O{lll[ ot time, then ttlrll ()J[]_
To recall tile cook time, push tile COOK
TIME button. To ch'moe,_ it, turn and push the
At tile end of timed cooking, tile oven
will turn oft, 0:00 will flash quickl> END
will show in the display and the oven
control will beep. To stop the reminder
beep, turn tile Oven Mode knob and
tile Temperature knob to OFF.
* Tile WARM (175 ° shows ill tile display)
temperature setting of this oven is available
to keep hot cooked fl)ods wam_. Food kept
in tile oven longer than two hours at these
low temperatures may not be satb to eat.
* Foods that spoil easil> such as milk, eggs,
fish, stuffings, poultr} and pork, should not
be allowed to sit fi)r more than one hour
befl_re or alter cooking. Room temperature
promotes the growth of ha*mtul bacteria.