Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.12.04
■ Enhancement (PR_1000398393) — For the interface <port-list> speed-duplex command,
added the auto-10-100 configuration option to constrain a link to 10/100 Mbps speed and allow
a more rapid linkup process when 1000 Mbps operation is not possible.
■ Enhancement (PR_1000404544) — Provides TCP/UDP port range prioritization in the qos
command; the range option assigns an 802.1p priority to (IPv4) TCP or UDP packets
associated with a range of TCP/UDP ports..
Release K.12.04
Software never released.
■ ACL (PR_1000402901) — The ACL resequencing feature may discard some ACEs in a
random fashion.
■ CLI (PR_1000403104) — Executing the erase startup-configuration command and
rebooting does not clean up the RMON 'alarm' table.
■ Crash (PR_1000405465) — Use of dynamically assigned ACLs may cause the switch to
reboot with the following error:
Software exception at aclBttfMUtils.c:1208 -- in 'midmCtrl',
task ID = 0x85f6a60 -> internal error
■ Enhancement MSTP (PR_1000369492) — Update of MSTP implementation to the latest
IEEE P802.1Q-REV/D5.0 specification to stay in compliance with the protocol evolution.
The updated standard provides auto-edge-port operation for MSTP, and supports the automatic
detection of edge ports. The port will look for BPDUs for 3 seconds; if there are none, it begins
forwarding packets. For more information on selected configuration options and updated MSTP
port parameters, see “Release K.12.04 Enhancements” on page 33.
■ Remote Mirroring/SNMP (PR_1000395595) — Removing a VLAN via SNMP does not
remove the related ACL relationship to that VLAN.
■ sFlow (PR_1000408145) — sFlow samples for routed packets do not occur bidirectionally;
inbound packets are dropped and only outbound packets are sampled.
■ Traceroute (PR_1000379199) — The reported traceroute time is inaccurate; it is one
decimal place off.