
Software Fixes in Release K.11.12 - K.13.49
Release K.13.04
Crash (PR_1000763409) — When entering and deleting ACLs, the switch may crash with
a message similar to:
PPC Data Storage (Bus Error) exception vector 0x300: Stack
Frame=0x087a1ba8 HW Addr=0x1f89d420 IP=0x005e62e0 Task=’mSess2’ Task
ID=0x87a3cd0.fp: 0x00000005 sp:0x087a1c68 lr:0x005e6340.
DHCP Relay (PR_1000751623) If the IP address on a VLAN interface is changed, any
previously configured IP Helper address stops working.
Release K.13.04
The following problems were resolved in release K.13.04 (never released).
Self-test/Module (PR_0000000510) Inserting a module into a Switch 8212zl may result
in the module failing to initialize with one of the following error messages:
Self test failure or unsupported module, or
chassis: Insufficient power supplies to power Slot <x>
Port/Config (PR_1000772652) A switch running software version K.12.52 or later only
accepts the speed-duplex settings ‘auto’ or ‘1000-full’ for the dual-personality ports when the
configuration file is transferred to the switch via tftp, scp or sftp. Other port settings that
should be valid cause the file transfer to abort with a "corrupted download file" error.
Port/Config (PR_1000778004) The switch accepts, via file transfer, a config file with
invalid speed/duplex settings on dual-personality ports. Additionally, the 100-FX port settings
do not survive a reboot.
TFTP/ACL (PR_1000771560) The copy tftp command-file command rejects ACL remarks
if they do not contain the keywords permit or deny.
SNMPv3/Config (PR_1000777656) The SNMPv3 configuration is removed from the
switch's config file after an update from K.12.xx to K.13.03.
SSH/Config (PR_1000777873) SSH becomes disabled (an ‘ip ssh’ entry in the config
file becomes a ‘no ip ssh’ entry in the config file) after an update from K.12.xx to K.13.03.
In K.12.xx software, SSH is disabled by default. In K.13.xx software, SSH is enabled by default.
Since default values are not displayed in the output of show run or show config commands, this
results in a difference in the configuration file output of SSH from K.12.xx to K.13.xx.
TFTP/Config (PR_0000000922) TFTP client configuration becomes disabled (‘no
tftp client’) after an update from K.12.xx to K.13.03.
'show tech all/route'/Hang (PR_1000779458) When the show tech all or show tech route
commands are used within a remote management session, the switch may hang.